Commission on State Mandates Reports to the Legislature
Commission on State Mandates Reports to the Legislature By Chris Micheli
Article 3 of Chapter 4 of Part 7 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the California Government Code concerns reports to the Legislature by the Commission on State Mandates (CSM). Government Code Section 17600 requires, at least twice each calendar year, for the CSM to report to the Legislature on the number of mandates it has found and the estimated statewide costs of these mandates. This report also must identify the statewide costs estimated for each mandate and the reasons for recommending reimbursement.
Government Code Section 17601 requires the CSM to report each January 15 on the number of claims it denied during the preceding calendar year and the basis on which the particular claims were denied. Section 17602 requires the CSM by each January 15 to report to the Legislature the number of individual and consolidated incorrect reduction claims decided during the preceding calendar year and whether and why the reduction was upheld or overturned.
Government Code
Section 17604 requires the Department of Finance, in collaboration with the
Secretary of State and the Legislative Analyst’s Office, to convene a working
group to evaluate alternatives for funding election-related state mandates. The
Department of Finance is required to conduct a survey of county election
officials during years in which a statewide general election is held to
determine whether or not counties are carrying out the requirements set forth
in specified state mandates.
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