Frequently Asked Questions about Influences on California Legislation
Frequently Asked Questions about Influences on California Legislation By Chris Micheli
The following list is certainly not
comprehensive, but it gives the reader an idea of some of the influences
impacting decisions by lawmakers at the State Capitol, including:
What is the role of political parties? One of the biggest
influences, and most reliable predictors, of how a legislator will vote is the legislator’s
political party affiliation. Legislators often inquire about the position of
the party’s caucus and its vote recommendation.
What is the role of legislative districts? It is crucial for a
legislator to take into consideration the needs and interests of his or her
district and constituents. Is the legislator voting his or her district? On a
controversial measure, he or she may also need to consider any potential “political
costs” to the proposed legislation. The fundamental concern is how will the
vote on this bill impact the legislator in his or her district? Legislators
face difficult choices when the views of the district are at odds with the
party caucus position.
What is the role of legislative leadership? The leader of the legislative
chamber may have the most influence of any legislator. Sometimes the leader’s support
or opposition will carry the day with members of his or her caucus. At other
times, a legislator may be persuaded by some other factor but the leader’s
position will weigh heavily.
What is the role of interest groups? The legislator may be
friendly with one or more key interest groups. This can be based upon personal
trust of a particular group’s advocates or it could be based on raw, political
realities. So, naturally the legislator will want to know how that
interest group views this proposal and one of the first questions a legislator
will ask staff is “who supports and opposes this measure?” They will also want
to know how important is the issue or bill to that interest group? In other
words, is the bill a priority or a bill upon which they have simply taken a
position but are not otherwise active.
What is the role of personal philosophy? How the legislator
will view a public policy issue may be dependent upon his or her personal
beliefs. What is the individual’s political ideology? Does a governing
philosophy direct how this legislator may vote on issues? Does religion play a
role? Are there other factors, such as geographic or regional sensibilities,
gender, or ethnicity? Has the legislator had any personal or professional
experiences in life that influence their thinking about an issue?
What is the role of legislative colleagues? How a legislator
views another member of the chamber or political party may be a determining
factor, such as whether that fellow legislator is a committee chair, or
represents an area of the state, or has subject matter expertise. If a
legislator knows little about a bill, they may seek out a colleague with more
information. Also, a personal working relationship with a bill author is often
an important factor and can often help facilitate compromise or preclude it in
some instances.
What is the role of legislative rules? The vote requirements
and other procedural hurdles can impact how a legislator may vote on a bill. For
example, there is a super-majority vote requirement for tax increase measures.
Does the need for a large vote of both houses influence how a legislator may or
may not vote?
What is the role of the governor? As the Governor can sign or
veto any bills, he or she does have considerable influence over shaping
legislation. Does the bill have any support or opposition from the state’s
chief executive? Is the Governor of the same political party as the legislator?
Has the Governor staked out a position in this policy area?
What is the role of public opinion? The opinion of the public
can influence legislators as well. Have the media or blogosphere written about
this issue or bill? Is there public opinion polling on it? If so, what is the
majority’s position? Have opinion-editorials been published in the local
newspaper? If so, which position do they advocate?
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